Center for
Digital Technology
and Management

Independent Living for the Elderly

Class: Fall 2020 Munich

Trend Report Cover Independent Living for the Elderly Fall 2020


Increasing innovations in the healthcare industry have made life expectancies higher than ever. Similarly, technology has also revolutionised the way we connect with one another and go about our daily lives. However, the elderly population still face significant challenges when it comes to dignified aging and few advancements have been made in that field. From health issues, housing, financial security and social isolation, the elderly are often left dependent on relatives and the healthcare industry. Elderly people seek independence – but many struggle due to the problems they face. How can we empower older people? What can we innovate to enable independent living? What are the solutions towards creating more connectedness with their loved ones and society in an age of individualism and changing family models? How can people change their lifestyles now to better prepare for an independent and fulfilled aging later?

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Technology Trends

  • Ambient Assisted Living
  • Assistive Robotics
  • Wearables and Self-Quantification
  • Virtual Reality for Increased Well-being
  • Preservation of Mobility
  • Enhanced Accessibility Through Novel UI
  • Emergence of the Tactile Internet

Societal & Environmental Trends

  • Feminization of Older Age
  • Increased Isolation and Loneliness
  • Increase in Infectious Diseases
  • Increased Connectedness and Digital Literacy
  • The Multicultural Face of the Elderly
  • Urbanization and Age-friendly Cities
  • Change of Daily Life

Legal & Political Trends

  • Accessibility Enforcement
  • Accelerating Digital Health through Regulation
  • Facilitating Healthy Aging through Prevention
  • Transforming Nursing Care
  • Reformation of the Pension System
  • Rise of the Silver Democracy

Economic Trends

  • The Emergence of the Silver Economy
  • Supply-demand Gap in Elderly Care
  • Increasing Pension/Gender Gap
  • Elderly Financial Well-being under Distress
  • Affinity Towards Private Retirement Provisions
  • Aging Working Society

Business Models Trends

  • Hyper-Personalization
  • Connecting Stakeholders through Platform-Based Economy
  • Data-as-a-Service
  • Reinvention of Offline
  • Localization of Services and Communities
  • Shift Towards Flexible Ownership
  • Prevention


Financial Situation: The financial situation is a determinant factor for the independent living of the elderly. It is strongly connected to their mental and physical health and decides if they have the means to take an active part in society. A good financial situation for the elderly has two dimensions. First, they must not experience poverty. This means that they have the means to cover at least their basic expenses for housing, health care, food, and transportation. Second, their standard of living must not be expected to decline in the foreseeable future. The macroeconomic environment highly influences both dimensions.

Intention to Use Technology: The intention of the elderly to use established and emerging technologies is a key concept borrowed from the Senior Technology Acceptance and Adoption Model (STAM). It describes the “intention to use technology” as primarily determined by the perceived usefulness of technology and the user context. The latter also includes social influence (for instance, children urging parents to use technology) and other facilitating conditions. The ease of learning and the exploration experience are key determinants that can directly cause acceptance or rejection of technologies.


Underprivileged Geeks: The scenario “Underprivileged Geeks” describes a future in which the elderly are financially distressed but are eager to use existing as well as upcoming technologies. A majority of them lack the financial means to buy modern assistive appliances. Many of them are forced to work post-retirement to supplement their dwindling pension incomes.

Silver Garden of Eden: “Silver Garden of Eden” depicts a scenario in which the elderly are financially stable. During the last 20 years, it was possible to ensure the financial stability of the elderly through an effective governmental response. Furthermore, the elderly are keen to use technology as they notice its advantages, and educational efforts for digital literacy have proven successful.

Prosperous Nostalgic: The scenario “Prosperous Nostalgic” describes a future in which the elderly are financially independent. However, they are reluctant to use novel technologies. The elderly are financially well-off but are reluctant to use existing as well as future technologies. Technological advancements are ubiquitous, but the elderly are agnostic towards them and occasionally resent them as well.

Falling Behind: “Falling behind” is a scenario where the elderly have come closer to each other to cope with financial distress. Furthermore, the elderly do not accept technological advancements and thereby isolate themselves from the rest of society. The elderly come closer to each other to cope with financial and technological challenges but, at the same time, detach themselves from the rest of the society


1. Sleepi - Noise-reducing pillow that uses selective noise-canceling technology to cancel out snores

2. COM2-Garden - Turning unused company premises into elderly-led green spaces

3. Fabula - Empowering the elderly to share their stories

4. Smart Sole Solution - The convenient gait rehabilitation assistant for faster recovery

5. Desir.ed - Educational platform to help the elderly enjoy a fulfilled sex life


alley is an e-health start-up driving disruptive innovations aiming to enhance the quality of life. alley is an innovative care model that bridges gaps, which emerge in patient care due to missing links in a patient’s journey. It strives to become the leading medical platform for data-driven mapping of patient profiles and the individual companion for patients along their journey. alley aims to implement Value-Based Medicine as a new standard for the highest quality in health care and result-driven treatment. The collaboration with the CDTM Trend Seminar 2020 is a promising step in understanding future challenges, in focussing on authentic needs and desires as well as in creating disruptive technology that provides solutions for challenges lying ahead of alley.
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