Center for
Digital Technology
and Management

Seamless Context Aware Services in Converged Mobile- and Enterprise-Networks

Class: Fall 2005 Munich

Trend Report Cover 2005 2006 600x425.jpg


Mobile- and Enterprise Services and their convergence are becoming increasingly important in the near future. Context-based services are the next evolutionary step concerning location-based services. They rely on special information derived from basic sensors and network technology or even presence information.
This trend report focuses on currently available location- and potential “simple” context-services to be seamlessly available in both “fixed-line” enterprise and mobile networks, building upon existing application frameworks and architectures making use of readily and easily available context information derived from sensor and other network interfaces. Apart from their technical feasibility, potential application scenarios and corresponding business models, hence market applicability and window of opportunity are pointed out in this CDTM trend report.

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